Edgemoor Neighborhood Association

Monthly Business Meeting

March 9, 2006




The Monthly Business Meeting of Edgemoor Neighborhood Association was called to order at 7:05 on March 9th at the Fairhaven Park Pavilion.  Lauri Grove recorded the minutes.  Larry, Sandie, Kathy, Niall, and Veronica were also present – we had a quorum


Sue Kahn and Thom Prichard (Fairhaven Neighbors) attended our meeting to present background information and discuss support for a letter drafted by the CSN in response to a found document dated 1988/1989.  The document, a signed Agreement between Concerned Southside Citizens, the Port and the City of Bellingham (in reference to a permit for construction of the Alaska Ferry Terminal) can be found on the Fairhaven Neighbors website.  Many issues were still in question and pertinent today in view of new development taking place throughout Fairhaven.  The Coalition of Southside Neighborhoods would like to get the presidents of the five neighborhood associations together to “brainstorm “ and draft letter requesting a meeting with city officials.  A question was raised regarding the possibility of contacting people involved in the original agreement to get first hand information.


Motion by Sandie Koplowitz to approve ENA support and involvement in drafting a letter to Bellingham City Council and the Port of Bellingham requesting a meeting in reference to the Agreement recorded in 1988/1989 between the Concerned Southside Citizens, Port of Bellingham, and the City of Bellingham.

The motion was seconded, discussed and passed with a 4 to 1 vote.


The minutes for the January and February meeting were approved as recorded


Report of Officers

Vice Present, Niall Hackett, read an email from Brien Thane that included an ABN request for approval or input on 2 items - their mission statement and the potential formation of a Shoreline Stewardship Taskforce.  Larry Horowitz addressed these items in his ABN report.  In addition, the Whatcom Film Association asked whether they might speak at a future meeting about the Pickford’s efforts to develop their DreamSpace downtown by the radio museum.  It was agreed to have the Whatcom Film Association speak at the May meeting.  Niall also solicited additional ideas for speakers.  The possibility of a second ‘Vision of Edgemoor’ was suggested.


Treasurer, Lois Miles was unable to attend the meeting so the budget report was presented by Sandie.  She offered that the 501 C3 form has been completed.  A draft of the proposed 2006 budget was handed to board members for review.

Income - $255.00 (new membership dues)

Disbursements –  $150.00 (payment for 501 C3 application)

Closing Balance - $2326.42


MNAC Representative, Brad Rose was unavailable to attend the monthly MNAC meeting.  We determined that ENA needed an alternate and Niall Hackett at one time expressed an interest.  He stated that he was still interested and would be the alternate.  Larry Horowitz also expressed interest and volunteered to be the alternate back up.


Committee Reports

Communication Committee Chair, Kathy Kaiser, offered that the ENA sign was not quite finished, but would be ready for use at the next membership meeting.  The new sign should be a helpful reminder to neighbors and support increased attendance at all monthly meetings.  Kathy expressed appreciation for the positive response generated from the informational membership mailing.  She also read a Thank you note for a job well done on the ENA newsletters and website - input and encouragement was welcomed.

v  Thank you notes were mailed to Lou Geri and Steve Monson for work on the signs

Hospitality Committee – No report.


Growth and Land Use Committee report was read by Veronica Douglas from an email sent by Brad to the board informing the membership of a fund-raiser for Responsible Development! and their goal of saving Chuckanut Ridge.  The fund-raiser would be held on Sunday March 12th at the Firehouse Performing Arts Center (1314 Harris Ave.).  There would be performances and donated local art for sale as well as other goodies.  In addition, a requested CUP for an oversized detached building on 601 Briar Road (see website for details) was mentioned and discussed. 


Membership – Sandie informed us that we now have 93 new members.  She printed out names/email address lists for each Chair that included anyone that expressed interest in a their group.  In addition she read comments of interest that were included on returned membership forms.


Neighborhood Safety Committee – Veronica reported that she would be ordering more Drive 25 signs.  Please contact Veronica to order or purchase signs.   A discussion was prompted by the Block Watch sign Kathy had placed on the corner of her property.  She was not sure about the cost, but did mention that Block Watch Captains could purchase signs for their individual block.


Neighborhood Plan Update – No report.


Representative Reports

Coalition of Southside Neighborhoods – Representatives Brad Rose and Pam Went.  Report given earlier in the meeting by Sue Kahn and Thom Prichard.


Association of Bellingham Neighborhoods – Representative, Larry Horowitz highlighted points of interest that included the decision by City Council not to approve the Building Permit Allocation Plan and his letter in the Indy on impact fees – ‘how we as taxpayers are subsidizing growth’.  In addition, he presented the ABN Draft Mission Statement.  The group went through each points to determine which statements we felt were or were not appropriate missions for ABN.  Larry also presented a report from Ralph Thacker suggesting the formation of a Shoreline Stewardship Taskforce.  The south side taskforce would ‘watch over’ and express recommendations for the southern sections of waterfront development.  If interested, ENA would need to appoint representatives.    



We discussed a few points in question in the ENA Bylaws.  A decision was made to leave existing Bylaws as written and approved.   Any points that need clarification could be handled in a less formal manner through ‘Procedural Rules’ approved by the board.  Areas in question were the fiscal year, whether or not to authorize phone and Internet votes, and how to handle Co-Chair votes.  In conclusion; Lois preferred to continue to run ENA finances according to the calendar year, the majority preferred not to authorize phone votes during a meeting, however Internet votes would be acceptable when necessary to handle issues in a timely manner between meetings, and in the case of Co-Chairs only one vote allowed.  These procedures need to be formally written and approved by the board.


Issues and Concerns

A question was raised about the Greenways Levy as it pertains to Responsible Development! and ‘saving’ Chuckanut Ridge– Larry offered that the formation of a Park District might be more beneficial in acquiring and protecting Chuckanut Ridge.



Meeting was adjourned at 9:05pm.


The next meeting scheduled would be an Edgemoor Neighborhood Association Quarterly General Membership Meeting to be held on April 6th at Fairhaven Park Pavilion.  All Edgemoor residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Respectfully Submitted,

Lauri Grove