Edgemoor Neighborhood Association

Monthly Business Meeting

August 4, 2005




The Monthly Business Meeting of Edgemoor Neighborhood Association was called to order at 7:05 on August 4th at the Fairhaven Park Pavilion.  Interim President, Niall Hackett was present to facilitate the meeting.  Lauri Grove, Interim Secretary, recorded the minutes.  A quorum was not present.


The minutes of the July 7th meeting were read and approved as recorded.


Report of Officers

President, Niall Hackett recommended members read the letter posted on the website from Responsible Development to Horizon Bank.  He reiterated RD’s intention to purchase Chuckanut Ridge.  The presentation at the meeting last month by Responsible Development was both interesting and informative.  In addition, he mentioned an opportunity to volunteer to clean up trails, hand out bags to dog owners, and post educational signs.  If interested contact Kim at #647-6961.


Treasurer, Lois Miles presented the budget report and offered we now have 150 members.  14 of the new members responded to the doorknob hangers passed out in the neighborhood.  Good idea Sandie!!

Income - $266.00

Disbursements - $208.77

Closing Balance - $1609.52


A detailed report was presented to the secretary to file.


Secretary, Lauri Grove reported that a note of thanks was mailed to Donna Grasdock for her contributions to ENA and work with the Safety Committee.


Committee Reports

Communication Committee Chair, Kathy Kaiser was not present.  Diane thanked all involved with the doorknob hangers.  It was a lot of work that worked quite well.


Hospitality Committee Chair, Laurie Renne, was not present so the report was given by Lauri Grove.  The 1st Annual Edgemoor Neighborhood Picnic was a success!  Approximately 60 neighbors came to Fairhaven Park offering wonderful pot-luck salads and desserts.  Laurie grilled plenty of hot-dogs.  The whole affair was quite elegant with linens and flowers.  All had fun with the book exchange, impromptu games and meeting new neighbors.  A “thank you “ was extended to everyone who helped pass out fliers and organize the picnic.  Hope to see you all again next year.  Now that the picnic is over the committee will begin planning a winter social.  


Growth and Land Use Committee Chair, Brad Rose was not available so Pam Went presented the committee report in his absence.  Brad did an excellent job organizing a walk about on Tuesday, July 12th to review development both under construction and proposed for construction in Fairhaven. The group visited 17 sites.   Pam continued her report with the following land use points of interest:


 1. The Hearing Examiner's review of the proposed 10,279 sq. ft single family home at 826 Briar Road - (The newly opened Madrona Point North sub-division). The 10,279 sq. ft. is up from the 8,554 sq ft. that was stated in the original application. This meeting will took place on Wednesday July 27, 2005 at 7:00 in the City Council Chambers.

2. A Substantial Shoreline Development Permit was submitted by the U. S. Coast Guard, requesting to build a 120-foot long pier adjacent to the Cruise Terminal in Fairhaven. The written Comment period will end on Aug 17, 2005 ( Tip Johnson voiced concern about this permit request and cautioned ENA to become aware of the details of a coast guard presence in Fairhaven – an example was 100 to 500ft security set backs for boats and the need for personal identification near the pier)

3. The Planning Department will hold a public hearing on Aug 11, 2005 to address a proposal to increase the density of Units/Sq. ft and allow Office space at the property located at 1314 Old Fairhaven Pkwy


Membership Committee Chair, Sandie Koplowitz was not present.  Happy Birthday Sandie!


Neighborhood Plan Update Chair, Brad Rose plans to hold a Vision of Edgemoor meeting in late September and will post date.


Neighborhood Safety Committee report presented by Chair, Veronica Douglas.  Veronica solicited new members for the Safety Committee.  Consider joining - she could use some help.  The August Night Out Against Crime social went quite well.  Twenty or so people joined the Police Chief and a crime prevention officer at Bayside Pool.  Veronica will be helping new block watch captains and encouraged more to get involved.  There was another burglary in the area.  Police respond to calls, but have difficulty prowling the entire city.  Be aware, be attentive to unusual activities, call 911 with any concerns.  She offered that we could purchase block watch signs for Edgemoor.


Coalition of Southside NeighborhoodsPam Went reported on the most recent coalition meeting and volunteered to be the second ENA representative to CSN (as suggested in their mission statement). Thanks Pam.  A meeting was held July 27th to which all members of city council were invited; four were able to attend.  Approximately 150 people attended from the south side neighborhoods. Donna Auer (South Hill) opened the meeting with an outline of the legal requirements to provide input and dialog with the community regarding the comprehensive plan.  She noted the decided lack of such opportunities. The meeting was intentionally intended to be non-confrontational although some citizens were clearly frustrated and some council members somewhat defensive. Jorge Vega, who also attended, shared his perspective. Some of the most meaningful communication seemed to occur after the close of the meeting when council members stayed to talk informally with citizens. At the end of the meeting the Fairhaven Neighbors announced their decision to appeal the approved shoreline setback for the Padden Creek Estuary and the related proposed development. There was a spontaneous and generous outpour of support for associated attorney fees.


New Business

Since our October General Meeting will include board elections it was decided to ask a couple opposing candidates for city office to address the membership.  We would like to hold the meeting at Lairmont Manor.  ENA board nominees would be announced at the September meeting in preparation for elections in October.   Niall would like a survey on a hand-out (possibly another doorknob hanger) ready to pass out at the Sept. meeting to question what residents want from this association and remind them about the Oct. meeting.  He also solicited thoughts on how to keep up attendance at the meetings.


Issues and Concerns

The board discussed a Policy for Support to Outside Organizations, but was unable to vote due to the lack of a quorum at the meeting.  Some thoughts included - no monetary support to any organization and prior posting on website and in newsletter needed to allow membership input for any written or verbal support to an organization.   ENA would like to remain objective and informative. This policy would be reviewed at the next meeting.  Board should come prepared to vote. 



Meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.


The next meeting scheduled on September 1st  will be a Business Meeting held at Fairhaven Park Pavilion– anyone interested is invited to attend.


Respectfully Submitted,

Lauri Grove